FAQ & Joining Information

Email- clubinfoah@gmail.com

Intending members of the Club: Enquiries

  1. Two taster classes are allowed by previous agreement with the head coach Fiona. Cost €8 per class payable on the day of class.
  2. Membership form is also signed and received by the club administrator.
  3. Full disclosure of athlete’s current & previous injuries and or illnesses must be stated before the athlete attends so we are aware of how to deal with any emergency.
  4. We are unable to allow any family members into the training hall so please note you are dropping your child to the venue we will introduce them to the coaches, and we will start class.
  5. Attire for gymnasts’ leggings/tee shirt or leotard please. No Jewelry allowed.
  6. Attire for cheerleaders - leggings and Tee shirts with white smooth sole trainers



Tuam Classes (Cheer/Gymnastics/Hip Hop):

Presentation Secondary School, H54V260.

Claremorris classes (Gymnastics):

Gael Scoil de Burca, F12WF60

 Athenry classes(Gymnastics):

Athenry Town Hall,

Athleague classes (Gymnastics):

Athleague Community Centre, Main Street. 


After the Taster Classes, Then What?

  1. After the athlete has attended the second taster class – & they want to join.
  2. Your athletes details will be added to the parents’ portal. With your own log in emailed. €85 for new members from September 2022 will be billed and this is a yearly paid membership. All parents have their own personal log in to pay and access classes.
  3. Your athlete received a new club tee shirt to wear to their class.
  4. Class fees of €8 is still due for each class and will be billed at the start of each month
    • Once membership is paid this is non-refundable.
    • All classes must be paid for even if your athlete is absent due to rent, wages etc being paid. We do not offer a drop-in service for classes as this does not allow continuity of training for our coaches or athletes.
    • Overdue accounts will result in athletes being unable to train.
  5. Attendance is important each & every week due to learning individual and team - based elements - if absent for no reason we will set a meeting to request a reason why your athlete is not attending scheduled classes.
  6. If you are unable to make a class, please contact through the parent portal in advance and log your athlete absent date, so the Lesson Plan can be altered, and your child marked absent from the system


Coaches Qualifications

All coaches’ qualifications/first Aid/Children’s First/Garda Vetted and qualified


Parent recommendation

A word from our parents:

"I just want to say ye are an incredible club to go to such lengths for every athlete, we are very lucky to have found a club for Kaylee that she loves and is so well looked after thank you so much for everything ye do."